As the SUN is the planet that most impacts us all (in the sense that we all pretty much know what Sign the Sun was in when we were born) it would assist us now to look at aspects of the Sun to other planets to see how our personal expression can be modified by them.
(Note: The following indications are primarily for harmonious aspects. The Inharmonious ones are shown in parenthesis.)
SUN/MOON: The most influential of all the Sun aspects, this aspect between the Sun and the Moon is a clear indication of compatible (incompatible) relationships with others, especially the opposite sex. It represents the harmonious (inharmonious) integration between the Conscious Selfand the Unconscious Self, between the masculine and the feminine aspects of the psyche. There is an inner contentment (restlessness) with this aspect and suggests an individual who is at one (not at one) with themselves. Therefore there is an increase (decrease) in vitality and confidence.
In male charts it might indicate a benefit (loss) experienced is through wives, mothers and the feminine in general. In female charts, a benefit (loss) might be through husbands, fathers and the masculine. All round, there is an ability to express oneself fully (inability to express oneself fully) due to emotional, instinctual and a subconscious confidence about one's actions. There can be an inherent sense of acceptance (rejection) in everything that is said and done around the individual in question. It enhances (detracts from) the creative functions - i.e. love, sex, children and material prosperity. Medical astrologers might assert that there is good (poor) physical health with increased (weakened) powers of recuperation.
Conjunction: Can be a sudden over-extending of energies, followed by a depletion-led laziness. (Note: The Signs/Elements/Houses involved here might suggest in what area of the life this will be most likely to occur - e.g. Mental, Emotional, Physical or Spiritual.) Consequently an indication of lethargy may be implied here, although sometimes these kinds of drawback can actually stimulate the creative processes!
Finally, a LACK of aspect between the Sun and Moon might indicate a lessening of co-ordination with regards everyday living. The Conscious Mind and the Subconscious Mind tend to work independently of one another, suggesting that (if the rest of the Birth Chart indications support this) there is a possible incautious willfulness or misdirected, instinctive waywardness. Occasionally this is the aspect of a drifter. Naturally, the rest of the Signs, Houses and Aspects of the Birth Chart have to be assessed together, to ascertain to what degree this becomes a major stumbling block in the life, or not.
SUN/MERCURY: This is the indication of a good (poor) memory. Quickness (slowness) of thought is suggested. Possibly a rapid (slow) learner. The thinking is flexible (inflexible) especially if the most fixed Signs Taurus or Scorpio are indicated. This Aspect is indicative of the actor or the artist.
Conjunction: Resourceful mentality but in danger of becoming self-opinionated.
Note: Astronomically the Sun and Mercury can never be more than 28 degrees apart. Therefore the only aspects possible between these two planets are the semi-sextile (harmonious) and the conjunction (in this case, tending to be inharmonious}. With the conjunction the closer Mercury is to the Sun, the less chance there is of separating the Thinking Capacity from the Conscious Self.
SUN/VENUS: A strong indicator of creative ability (artistic waywardness). Cheerfulness and warmth of spirit (social parasite) characterize this aspect when the individual is with others. There is good (poor) taste. Lovers of fun (too overindulgent). Constant (inconstant) in love. Sense oriented (overly sensual). Always, there is a definite need to express the self through relationships. Success (difficulty) with the opposite sex. A giving (taking) nature.
Conjunction: Identity achieved through art, beauty and a charming, affectionate nature.
Note: The Sun and Venus can never be more than 48 degrees apart. Therefore the only aspects possible are the conjunction (harmonious), the semisextile (harmonious) and the semi-square (inharmonious).
SUN/MARS: A dynamic aspect that adds increased desire and passion to the nature (energy burn-out). Courage (brutishness). Leadership qualities (rebellious ego) intensified. Enthusiastic (quarrelsome). Vitality increased (prone to fevers, inflammation - even accidents). Aggressively entrepreneurial, this is a key aspect of soldiers, politicians and businessmen. (Note; Additional aspects between Saturn and Sun or Mars can seriously detract from the vitality suggested above.)
Conjunction: Thought to be inharmonious. A power aspect. The over-energizing nature of this aspect can lead to an aggressive, accident-prone and combative approach to life if not modified by other factors. Similarly, there can be a brusque, insensitive and ambition-at-all-costs manner. Generally physically strong and hard working. Strong sex drive. (Especially with a strong aspect to Venus by either planet.) Mouthy kids at the beginning of life and often fail to lose their attitude as they grow-up!
SUN/JUPITER: Expands the sense of self-confidence and self-worth (can indicate an arrogance born out of being too self-assured). Inclination to do things in a big way (over-stretching and extravagant). Generous types (spend-thrifts). Philosophical optimism (trusting too much to fortune). Good (poor) judgment. Great (frustrated) success. Lover of the good things in life (health problems through overindulgence). Good grasp of the right moment (miss-timed actions). Lucky (unlucky). Benevolent (wasteful and speculative).
Conjunction: Thought to be harmonious. Cheerful. Opportunities for success occur frequently. Prosperity can be achieved. An always something round the corner philosophy. Generous and charitable. Exaggerates all the Sun/Sign traits in both their positive and negative expressions.
SUN/SATURN: Increases self-discipline (rigidness and inflexibility). Saturn limits and contracts (denies) the natural vitality, inclining the individual to caution and thoughts of self-preservation (meanness). Security (selfish) needs predominate. Suggests a tenacious ability (stubbornness) to survive in the material world (miserly amassing of personal resources). There is some mistrust of one's own ability (no belief in self - or others!). Time and experience bolster self-confidence and free expression (time wears the resilience of the inner spirit down). Timing is good (misses opportunities due to over cautious attitude). Methodical and conservative (limited and unimaginative) in thought. Sound, serious and reliable (predictable, unadventurous and 'boring').
Conjunction: Thought inharmonious. Tendency towards pessimism. Obstructive. Dissatisfied. Feeling of inadequacy (especially in areas suggested by House Saturn is placed in). Low vitality. Chills. Coldness of body and spirit. Can make a success of life, but thrift, perseverance and patience necessary. Loss through incautious over-extending of resources. Gains strength through adversity. Becomes weak through fear.
Note: Because of the extremely slow progress that they make through the Zodiac, aspects to the trans-Saturnian planets (i.e. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) tend to affect whole generations, rather than single individuals. However, if these higher Planets form powerful aspects to the personal planets - or if they are strongly positioned in key sensitive areas of the chart - then they will have a more individualized effect on the inherent nature of the person concerned and should be evaluated accordingly.
SUN/URANUS: The revolutionary, radical energies of Uranus tend to vitalize and electrify the true inner spirit of the Sun. This is the mark of the inventor, or the magician. Here we find a progressive (unreasonable) and strong-willed (uncontrollable) dynamism in the individual. The need for change (destruction) and revolution (rebellion) is strong. Inventiveness can lead to a major departure from tradition. Eccentric (overtly non-conformist) and original (unpredictable) thinking is to the fore. Unconventional (novelty-seeking) behavior surfaces to challenge public expectation and the status quo (unwise rebellion against reasonable restraint). This adds a willful honesty (cruel disdain) to the nature, where conventions are challenged (flaunted) in a dramatic (self-glorifying) way.
It is said that the physical life is extended with this contact (unless accidents, unpremeditated recklessness and nervous disorders prevail). An aptitude for technology, electronics and New Age communications is suggested. Personal magnetism is capable of swaying (corrupting) others, resulting in new movements and groups of interest (cults). Unconventional, open-ended relationships (promiscuity) are a further possibility.
Conjunction: Thought harmonious. Highly successful. Original. Intuitive. Potential for genius. Independent. Heightened nervous energy (breakdown/burnout). Unconventional.
SUN/NEPTUNE: The need to transcend (escape) life is strong. Creatively powerful aspect. A refined (spaced-out/dreamlike) mentality. Extremely imaginative (fantasy-led), spiritual (impressionable) and artistic (self-indulgent) temperament. Everyday life is lack-luster with this aspect. Visionary (vague). Mystical (muddled). Psychically intuitive (deluded). Subtle and contemplative (lazy and inattentive). A belief in the intangible or otherworldly existence may make individual attractive to some but impaired by others. Affinity with water, the sea or the unseen spiritual realms. Extreme sensitivity (susceptibility) to drugs, alcohol and all soporifics.
Conjunction: Thought inharmonious. Creative. Mystical. Inspirational. Idealistic (but expression can either be constructive or destructive!). Confusion in thinking. Impressionable. Romantic. Tendency to attract unstable companions and associates (judge them by what they 'do', not by what they 'say'). Vague imaginings and medical symptoms. Daydreaming tendencies. Attraction to the occult. Probable psychic gifts, especially with Water Signs implicated. Sensuality expanded. Takes the line of least resistance. Hopes and expectations are often unrealistic.
SUN/PLUTO: A determined will to transform Self (self destructive). Tends to have association, directly or indirectly, with the darker (destructive and painful) side of life. Phoenix-like ability to rise from the ashes of (self-inflicted) trauma in the life. Courageous (rash) and daring (reckless) impulses. Instinctive need (obsession) to probe deeply (ruthlessly) into the shadowy (seamier) side of existence. Reforming (undermining) passion. Inner struggles can produce a saint from a sinner (and vice versa). Deep-rooted power to eliminate strong subconscious drives (compulsion, destructiveness, jealously, etc.) is inbuilt.
Conjunction: Thought harmonious. Power complex. Upheavals and dramatic changes. Deep-reaching creative power. Personal metamorphosis. Formidable personality (terrible enemy). Potential for self-discovery (or self-destruction). Intensity of purpose (for good or evil). Great powers of recovery from illness (prone to unusual blood disorders). Note: Aspects between Sun and Pluto are speculatively thought to represent the realization of Karmic debt. (I.e. The facing of the old, redundant self as defined by Pluto's Sign and House position.)
SUN/ASCENDANT: Increases inner harmony and self-confidence. (Lack of integration between True Self and the Self-Image might produce clashes with other individuals.)
Conjunction: Thought neutral. A powerful personality aspect. Ascendant qualities are increased by the powerful Sun’s vitality.
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(Note: The following indications are primarily for harmonious aspects. The Inharmonious ones are shown in parenthesis.)
SUN/MOON: The most influential of all the Sun aspects, this aspect between the Sun and the Moon is a clear indication of compatible (incompatible) relationships with others, especially the opposite sex. It represents the harmonious (inharmonious) integration between the Conscious Selfand the Unconscious Self, between the masculine and the feminine aspects of the psyche. There is an inner contentment (restlessness) with this aspect and suggests an individual who is at one (not at one) with themselves. Therefore there is an increase (decrease) in vitality and confidence.
In male charts it might indicate a benefit (loss) experienced is through wives, mothers and the feminine in general. In female charts, a benefit (loss) might be through husbands, fathers and the masculine. All round, there is an ability to express oneself fully (inability to express oneself fully) due to emotional, instinctual and a subconscious confidence about one's actions. There can be an inherent sense of acceptance (rejection) in everything that is said and done around the individual in question. It enhances (detracts from) the creative functions - i.e. love, sex, children and material prosperity. Medical astrologers might assert that there is good (poor) physical health with increased (weakened) powers of recuperation.
Conjunction: Can be a sudden over-extending of energies, followed by a depletion-led laziness. (Note: The Signs/Elements/Houses involved here might suggest in what area of the life this will be most likely to occur - e.g. Mental, Emotional, Physical or Spiritual.) Consequently an indication of lethargy may be implied here, although sometimes these kinds of drawback can actually stimulate the creative processes!
Finally, a LACK of aspect between the Sun and Moon might indicate a lessening of co-ordination with regards everyday living. The Conscious Mind and the Subconscious Mind tend to work independently of one another, suggesting that (if the rest of the Birth Chart indications support this) there is a possible incautious willfulness or misdirected, instinctive waywardness. Occasionally this is the aspect of a drifter. Naturally, the rest of the Signs, Houses and Aspects of the Birth Chart have to be assessed together, to ascertain to what degree this becomes a major stumbling block in the life, or not.
SUN/MERCURY: This is the indication of a good (poor) memory. Quickness (slowness) of thought is suggested. Possibly a rapid (slow) learner. The thinking is flexible (inflexible) especially if the most fixed Signs Taurus or Scorpio are indicated. This Aspect is indicative of the actor or the artist.
Conjunction: Resourceful mentality but in danger of becoming self-opinionated.
Note: Astronomically the Sun and Mercury can never be more than 28 degrees apart. Therefore the only aspects possible between these two planets are the semi-sextile (harmonious) and the conjunction (in this case, tending to be inharmonious}. With the conjunction the closer Mercury is to the Sun, the less chance there is of separating the Thinking Capacity from the Conscious Self.
SUN/VENUS: A strong indicator of creative ability (artistic waywardness). Cheerfulness and warmth of spirit (social parasite) characterize this aspect when the individual is with others. There is good (poor) taste. Lovers of fun (too overindulgent). Constant (inconstant) in love. Sense oriented (overly sensual). Always, there is a definite need to express the self through relationships. Success (difficulty) with the opposite sex. A giving (taking) nature.
Conjunction: Identity achieved through art, beauty and a charming, affectionate nature.
Note: The Sun and Venus can never be more than 48 degrees apart. Therefore the only aspects possible are the conjunction (harmonious), the semisextile (harmonious) and the semi-square (inharmonious).
SUN/MARS: A dynamic aspect that adds increased desire and passion to the nature (energy burn-out). Courage (brutishness). Leadership qualities (rebellious ego) intensified. Enthusiastic (quarrelsome). Vitality increased (prone to fevers, inflammation - even accidents). Aggressively entrepreneurial, this is a key aspect of soldiers, politicians and businessmen. (Note; Additional aspects between Saturn and Sun or Mars can seriously detract from the vitality suggested above.)
Conjunction: Thought to be inharmonious. A power aspect. The over-energizing nature of this aspect can lead to an aggressive, accident-prone and combative approach to life if not modified by other factors. Similarly, there can be a brusque, insensitive and ambition-at-all-costs manner. Generally physically strong and hard working. Strong sex drive. (Especially with a strong aspect to Venus by either planet.) Mouthy kids at the beginning of life and often fail to lose their attitude as they grow-up!
SUN/JUPITER: Expands the sense of self-confidence and self-worth (can indicate an arrogance born out of being too self-assured). Inclination to do things in a big way (over-stretching and extravagant). Generous types (spend-thrifts). Philosophical optimism (trusting too much to fortune). Good (poor) judgment. Great (frustrated) success. Lover of the good things in life (health problems through overindulgence). Good grasp of the right moment (miss-timed actions). Lucky (unlucky). Benevolent (wasteful and speculative).
Conjunction: Thought to be harmonious. Cheerful. Opportunities for success occur frequently. Prosperity can be achieved. An always something round the corner philosophy. Generous and charitable. Exaggerates all the Sun/Sign traits in both their positive and negative expressions.
SUN/SATURN: Increases self-discipline (rigidness and inflexibility). Saturn limits and contracts (denies) the natural vitality, inclining the individual to caution and thoughts of self-preservation (meanness). Security (selfish) needs predominate. Suggests a tenacious ability (stubbornness) to survive in the material world (miserly amassing of personal resources). There is some mistrust of one's own ability (no belief in self - or others!). Time and experience bolster self-confidence and free expression (time wears the resilience of the inner spirit down). Timing is good (misses opportunities due to over cautious attitude). Methodical and conservative (limited and unimaginative) in thought. Sound, serious and reliable (predictable, unadventurous and 'boring').
Conjunction: Thought inharmonious. Tendency towards pessimism. Obstructive. Dissatisfied. Feeling of inadequacy (especially in areas suggested by House Saturn is placed in). Low vitality. Chills. Coldness of body and spirit. Can make a success of life, but thrift, perseverance and patience necessary. Loss through incautious over-extending of resources. Gains strength through adversity. Becomes weak through fear.
Note: Because of the extremely slow progress that they make through the Zodiac, aspects to the trans-Saturnian planets (i.e. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) tend to affect whole generations, rather than single individuals. However, if these higher Planets form powerful aspects to the personal planets - or if they are strongly positioned in key sensitive areas of the chart - then they will have a more individualized effect on the inherent nature of the person concerned and should be evaluated accordingly.
SUN/URANUS: The revolutionary, radical energies of Uranus tend to vitalize and electrify the true inner spirit of the Sun. This is the mark of the inventor, or the magician. Here we find a progressive (unreasonable) and strong-willed (uncontrollable) dynamism in the individual. The need for change (destruction) and revolution (rebellion) is strong. Inventiveness can lead to a major departure from tradition. Eccentric (overtly non-conformist) and original (unpredictable) thinking is to the fore. Unconventional (novelty-seeking) behavior surfaces to challenge public expectation and the status quo (unwise rebellion against reasonable restraint). This adds a willful honesty (cruel disdain) to the nature, where conventions are challenged (flaunted) in a dramatic (self-glorifying) way.
It is said that the physical life is extended with this contact (unless accidents, unpremeditated recklessness and nervous disorders prevail). An aptitude for technology, electronics and New Age communications is suggested. Personal magnetism is capable of swaying (corrupting) others, resulting in new movements and groups of interest (cults). Unconventional, open-ended relationships (promiscuity) are a further possibility.
Conjunction: Thought harmonious. Highly successful. Original. Intuitive. Potential for genius. Independent. Heightened nervous energy (breakdown/burnout). Unconventional.
SUN/NEPTUNE: The need to transcend (escape) life is strong. Creatively powerful aspect. A refined (spaced-out/dreamlike) mentality. Extremely imaginative (fantasy-led), spiritual (impressionable) and artistic (self-indulgent) temperament. Everyday life is lack-luster with this aspect. Visionary (vague). Mystical (muddled). Psychically intuitive (deluded). Subtle and contemplative (lazy and inattentive). A belief in the intangible or otherworldly existence may make individual attractive to some but impaired by others. Affinity with water, the sea or the unseen spiritual realms. Extreme sensitivity (susceptibility) to drugs, alcohol and all soporifics.
Conjunction: Thought inharmonious. Creative. Mystical. Inspirational. Idealistic (but expression can either be constructive or destructive!). Confusion in thinking. Impressionable. Romantic. Tendency to attract unstable companions and associates (judge them by what they 'do', not by what they 'say'). Vague imaginings and medical symptoms. Daydreaming tendencies. Attraction to the occult. Probable psychic gifts, especially with Water Signs implicated. Sensuality expanded. Takes the line of least resistance. Hopes and expectations are often unrealistic.
SUN/PLUTO: A determined will to transform Self (self destructive). Tends to have association, directly or indirectly, with the darker (destructive and painful) side of life. Phoenix-like ability to rise from the ashes of (self-inflicted) trauma in the life. Courageous (rash) and daring (reckless) impulses. Instinctive need (obsession) to probe deeply (ruthlessly) into the shadowy (seamier) side of existence. Reforming (undermining) passion. Inner struggles can produce a saint from a sinner (and vice versa). Deep-rooted power to eliminate strong subconscious drives (compulsion, destructiveness, jealously, etc.) is inbuilt.
Conjunction: Thought harmonious. Power complex. Upheavals and dramatic changes. Deep-reaching creative power. Personal metamorphosis. Formidable personality (terrible enemy). Potential for self-discovery (or self-destruction). Intensity of purpose (for good or evil). Great powers of recovery from illness (prone to unusual blood disorders). Note: Aspects between Sun and Pluto are speculatively thought to represent the realization of Karmic debt. (I.e. The facing of the old, redundant self as defined by Pluto's Sign and House position.)
SUN/ASCENDANT: Increases inner harmony and self-confidence. (Lack of integration between True Self and the Self-Image might produce clashes with other individuals.)
Conjunction: Thought neutral. A powerful personality aspect. Ascendant qualities are increased by the powerful Sun’s vitality.
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