To produce an accurate astrological analysis of any individual, it is first necessary to know their precise TIME, DATE and PLACE of birth. Once this is known, it is possible to create their BIRTH CHART.
By knowing the actual DATE of birth, it is possible to locate the positions of all the planets in the Zodiac on the day in question. Therefore, if we consider the birthday of Carl Jung (for example) - which was July 26th, 1875 - we will see that at noon on the day in question the Sun's position was approximately 3 degrees into the Sign of Leo. If we then discover how far the Sun has moved in the Zodiac by the next day, we can calculate it's exact position at the time he was born (7.32 p.m., LMT). On this occasion, the precise position of the Sun in the Sign of Leo is 3 degrees 19 minutes. In a similar way, an accurate calculation of all the planetary positions is made to give the Astrologer a complete picture.
With this end in mind, it is essential that an EPHEMERIS (the book-based table which lists all the planetary positions for any moment in time - past, present or future) be referred to. More conveniently these days however, precise computer software is now available that can offer these kinds of calculations in seconds.
By knowing Jung’s precise PLACE of birth (Basle, Switzerland) we can calculate the exact House positions, thereby indicating just where the various planetary/Sign influences will affect specific areas in the subject's life.
The ASCENDANT is always at the beginning of the 1st House and can be simply identified as the degree of the Zodiac that is rising over the Eastern Horizon at the moment of birth. A calculation for Carl Jung gives us I degree 37 minutes of Aquarius 'rising' at his moment of birth. Therefore it can be said that he has an Aquarius Rising Sign, or Aquarius Rising, at birth. Again, computer technology can offer the most accessible and speedy methods of arriving at this complicated calculation, whether it is for advanced professional or enthusiastic beginner.
In any astrological interpretation the Ascendant is a very important part of the entire chart. It is said to be the mask or persona behind which we conceal all our other personal qualities to the world. Therefore as the Ascendant is known to move I degree every 4 minutes it is clearly essential to know an accurate time of birth when calculating an accurate Birth Chart if accuracy of interpretation is to be achieved.
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By knowing the actual DATE of birth, it is possible to locate the positions of all the planets in the Zodiac on the day in question. Therefore, if we consider the birthday of Carl Jung (for example) - which was July 26th, 1875 - we will see that at noon on the day in question the Sun's position was approximately 3 degrees into the Sign of Leo. If we then discover how far the Sun has moved in the Zodiac by the next day, we can calculate it's exact position at the time he was born (7.32 p.m., LMT). On this occasion, the precise position of the Sun in the Sign of Leo is 3 degrees 19 minutes. In a similar way, an accurate calculation of all the planetary positions is made to give the Astrologer a complete picture.
With this end in mind, it is essential that an EPHEMERIS (the book-based table which lists all the planetary positions for any moment in time - past, present or future) be referred to. More conveniently these days however, precise computer software is now available that can offer these kinds of calculations in seconds.
By knowing Jung’s precise PLACE of birth (Basle, Switzerland) we can calculate the exact House positions, thereby indicating just where the various planetary/Sign influences will affect specific areas in the subject's life.
The ASCENDANT is always at the beginning of the 1st House and can be simply identified as the degree of the Zodiac that is rising over the Eastern Horizon at the moment of birth. A calculation for Carl Jung gives us I degree 37 minutes of Aquarius 'rising' at his moment of birth. Therefore it can be said that he has an Aquarius Rising Sign, or Aquarius Rising, at birth. Again, computer technology can offer the most accessible and speedy methods of arriving at this complicated calculation, whether it is for advanced professional or enthusiastic beginner.
In any astrological interpretation the Ascendant is a very important part of the entire chart. It is said to be the mask or persona behind which we conceal all our other personal qualities to the world. Therefore as the Ascendant is known to move I degree every 4 minutes it is clearly essential to know an accurate time of birth when calculating an accurate Birth Chart if accuracy of interpretation is to be achieved.
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